Indonesian Muslim organizations urge Mahathir to free Anwar Ibrahim

Five leading Indonesian Muslim organizations with a combined membership of about 50 million have signed an open letter urging the Prime Minister to free Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from all charges and restore his rights.

In an open letter addressed to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad dated August 14 from Jakarta, they stated that they had no intention of interfering in Malaysia's internal affairs.

"However, in the name of justice, we voice our sadness and concern for the verdict handed down by the Kuala Lumpur High Courts on August 8 with regards to the case of Brother Anwar Ibrahim.

"We evaluate that in the process of justice, Brother Anwar Ibrahim has not received true justice from a fair trial which is his right."

They also said that the judiciary which punished him, has disregarded all sense of justice.

"Anwar's application that the matter be dealth with in the Syariah or Religious Courts was not accepted, a matter which has raised questions from and the concern of the international community and regional neighbours.

"Thus, it is not surprising when international organisations doubt the brand of justice dealt by the judiciary to Brother Anwar Ibrahim."

The six paragraph letter also stated that this was why they were more than convinced that the judiciary is part of a political conspiracy to remove Anwar from the stage of Malaysian politics.

"Based on these reasons, with the Grace of God, we state our solidarity and unity to Anwar, his family and the fighters for basic hiuman rights in Malaysia, to be strong and patient in face of adversity."

The signatories of the letter representing their respective organizations are Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah leader Professor Dr H. A. Syafi'i Ma'arif, Pimpinan Pusat Dewan Dakwah leader K.H. Affandi Ridwan, Forum Ukhuwwah Islamiyah (FUI) leader H. Geys Amar SH, Komite Indonesia Untuk Solidaritas Dunia Islam (KISDI) leader Hussein Umar and Ikatan Masjid Indonesia, (IKMI), secretary-general K.H. Muzayyin Abdul Wahab.

With the growing momentum call for justice and mounting support, more are expected to sign the open letter soon.